Additional Services

We provide advice to both public and private clients across a diverse range of sectors and land uses, including industrial, housing, retail, commercial, health, renewables, power and leisure proposals.

What sets us apart is that we provide a tailored service to our clients focusing on providing best quality and added value. To minimise time and costs risks to our clients we ensure that our services are fully integrated from feasibility, to planning, to construction, to completion, by working together as an exclusive team throughout the development stages of the project.

Transport Planning

Transport planning is about preparing, assessing and implementing policies, plans and projects to improve and manage our transport systems. It involves understanding the link between transport and land use, in particular the future shape of our towns and cities, and the activities which people want to undertake to meet quality of life objectives.

It is critical to the future of the economy, the state of our environment and how we tackle climate change. It is also about changing people's attitudes towards travel to encourage use of sustainable modes.

Infrastructure Design

We are able to provide all services associated with the procurement of highway infrastructure, from initial feasibility assessment, input to support masterplanning and preliminary design for planning applications, through to undertaking full detailed design, contractor appointment and site supervision/monitoring. These include:

Highway infrastructure projects
Highway capacity improvement schemes associated with development
Sustainable urban drainage schemes

Microsimulation & GIS

We provide transport microsimulation consultancy support across the transport planning sectors, with the application of microsimulation models and modelling techniques, particularly the use of S-Paramics and VISSIM.

Our team has the necessary skills and experience to apply microsimulation across a range of projects and for both small and major developments.

Car Park Management & Design

The availability of parking can be critical to the operation of a development, but often demand for parking can exceed supply. We prepare Car Park Management Plans which enables an organisation to exert control over how and when a car park is used.

Enabling an organisation to make the best use of the space available for an existing car park, or sets out how a new car parking area will be managed. Along with our design team we optimise the design of car parks to make best use of space with the integration of parking technology, electric charging and prioritised parking.

Case Studies

Lidl Development, Cockermouth

We were commissioned by Lidl from initial site feasibility, planning, highway design and site supervision for the construction phase of a new Lidl foodstore in Cockermouth, Cumbria.

The construction and traffic management phasing was complex, given the working restrictions associated with working in an semi-urban environment. All the statutory diversions were undertaken at the same time as the highway construction works so the coordination had to be dealt with very carefully.

The works were completed and the unit opened on programme, with the store making a higher than expected profit within the first quarter of trading.

Omega Drive Industrial Development, Manchester, UK

We were commissioned by Marshall CDP to assist in securing consent for a new 3 industrial units (B1c / B2/B8 use) at land off Omega Drive in Manchester.
The proposed development consists of 3 industrial units (B1c / B2/B8 use). The floor areas and proposed access points are as follows:

Unit 1 – 136,000sqft (12,635sqm), car access via Omega Drive and HGV access via Darby Road.
Unit 2 – 42,000sqft (3,901 sqm), car and HGV access via extended Steuber Drive.
Unit 3 – 11,000sqft (1,022 sqm), car and HGV access via extended Steuber Drive.

We provided transportation and highways advice through the planning process, including attendance at public consultation events, meetings with the key stakeholders and the Planning Committee Meeting.

Transport was the key issue throughout the planning process. We sought to demonstrate that the new development would not generate significant levels of traffic which would impact on the highway network.

The Transport Assessment including a detailed trip generation exercise for the existing and proposed uses, stand-alone junction modelling, and a car park accumulation assessment. Key to the resolution to grant planning permission, was the production of a robust Travel Plan aimed both at staff and visitors.

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